What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs.
12 months ago you said, “I will not be in this same place, this time next year”. Are you? If so, why?
Are you one of the ones who are ALL talk and NO Action? Afraid to move on because you think you will miss something. You like knowing what to expect as it relates to your current situation, so you stay. You like to fulfill other people purposes, so you stay. You need the Man of God to do everything for you: (i.e. Feed you, pray for you, tell you what God is saying for your life, give you the detail instructions, etc.), so you stay. Well…?
When do you do the Greater Works, Jesus talked about?
John 14:12 says, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greaterworks than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father”.
This will require you to move out of the position you are in, and walk in the Faith you say you possess or do you ONLY profess and don’t actually believe?
The condition of this World is decaying fast and we “the believer” cannot live an ineffective life. We have been given access to the Power that will change the World, which comes out through “the greater works.” NOW is not the time to get complacent, now is not the time, to take the back seat on your faith and begin to indulge yourselves in the things of this World.
It is important that the church (meaning YOU) continue to increase its influence on the World and this begins with us “the individual believer”. Your existence in your “circle of friends” gives you the access to influence them with the gospel, lived out through your life. If they never see the change or the difference, they will never be influence by your witness. Jesus told the disciples to go to Jerusalem and wait. There you would receive the Power, when the Holy Ghost comes to dwell inside of you and that power will empower you to be “A Witness” of Him throughout the World.
My question to you is…What does your witness say about you?