Marriage Crisis

4-Week Interactive Marriage Intervention Workshop – “Choosing Wisely Before you Divorce”

Before You Divorce is a resource that equips you with tools to show this couple the stark, painful consequences of a decision to proceed with divorce. It is designed to show couples that the pain and trauma of divorce are often much worse than the difficulties they now face in the marriage.

Before You Divorce can be used by friends, family members, counselors, or pastors who are concerned and who want to help keep the couple together. It is not marriage counseling and can be used successfully by non-professionals. The Before You Divorce materials feature a biblical, Christ-centered approach to marriage restoration.

VOH Ministries recommends this curriculum as a resource for you to utilize, before moving forward with Divorce.  If you have any question or if you would like us to facilitate this curriculum with you, please feel free to email us for more information:




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